“The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity” —Keith Ferrazzi
Hey guys,
First of all, I hate the word networking! It sounds so self-serving. Think of it as “Familyworking”. Create a family and they will do anything for you. Create a network and it just sits there doing nothing until you pick up the phone and ask for a favor at which point the other person perhaps begrudgingly agrees. There’s certainly not much excitement or passion or love or generosity encapsulated in the word “Networking” and isn’t that what life is about?
I have no idea who Keith Ferrazzi is and frankly I don’t care, but that quote is something I have been saying over and over to my members at Hack Hollywood. In particular, I have been telling the Masters Members when I do my one on one consultations with them, I tell them don’t try to figure out what you can get; figure out what you can give. Make someone’s day easier. Don’t make it about you. Make it about them.
If you want to improve your connections in business or whatever else in life, first of all, don’t go to some random networking event. You’re going to walk in thinking ok, how do i find some people to network with. Then you find that everyone is looking to network up and the few big fish that may be there will be ‘swarmed’ by all the guppies.
Instead, you decide who you want to connect with and reach out to them on your own. Being approached by a single motivated, clear minded person is far more appealing than being bum-rushed by a pack of business-card toting wannabes looking for a handout. Try to figure out what that person might need and then offer it to them. Solve a problem they might have. Not sure what they need? Ask them and they will tell you.
Most people overlook the fact that if you ask someone what they want, they will tell you and that is how you get in with them. So figure out who you want to connect with, do some homework on them so you can have a conversation with them and ask them what it is you can do for them!
Rock on, Hacktor nation!
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