You Don’t Need Headshots
As an actor you’re used to hearing about how you need to get new headshots so you can get an agent, when in fact, you don’t really need either.…
As an actor you’re used to hearing about how you need to get new headshots so you can get an agent, when in fact, you don’t really need either.…
You never know where your next acting job is coming from but the further you expand your reach and especially the group of people who know and like you, the more opportunities you will create for that phone to ring. NOW is the time to secure a Hack Hollywood membership,…
Buying things does not lead to success. Selling does. Have you ever heard of a ‘buyman’? No, but you’ve heard of a ‘salesman’. That’s because buying is something that you can do to augment your sales process, but it doesn’t replace it. Buying advertising is worthless if you aren’t able…