Yes Just like any other profession we have to get training and experience like I’ve done with all of my other careers. Now that I want to make money acting which I love so much I’ll do it for free and have, I realize I have to do some marketing, selling, self-promotion just like selling on a commission or trying to get a new or better job. Once we hope to get paid it’s a business and we have to run it like one. It would be cool to be able to act more full time than part time or less and have to do other work that’s not fulfilling. Thank you David for reminding us that following our dreams does not give us permission to live in a dream like state. Thank you too for reminding us that it doesn’t matter whether we are living in Texas or California or any other place. We gotta do what we gotta do if we want to do what we want for a living. I’ve just started networking again so will have more to report soon.
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Jean Tuite
13 years ago
Yes Just like any other profession we have to get training and experience like I’ve done with all of my other careers. Now that I want to make money acting which I love so much I’ll do it for free and have, I realize I have to do some marketing, selling, self-promotion just like selling on a commission or trying to get a new or better job. Once we hope to get paid it’s a business and we have to run it like one. It would be cool to be able to act more full time than part time or less and have to do other work that’s not fulfilling. Thank you David for reminding us that following our dreams does not give us permission to live in a dream like state. Thank you too for reminding us that it doesn’t matter whether we are living in Texas or California or any other place. We gotta do what we gotta do if we want to do what we want for a living. I’ve just started networking again so will have more to report soon.