
Out of the Box Acting

There are a million ways to do anything…that is for sure. Unfortunately, usually one idea becomes popular and because of human laziness or the assumption that if everyone is doing it this way, it is the right way, no one bothers to try to find a new way of doing things.


Maybe you have experienced the feeling that something is being done in a really backward-ass kind of way and wondered how people can’t see that it could be done so much better/simpler/faster/cheaper another way. Hey, it’s hard to see yourself objectively, but then someone from the outside comes in and states that ‘this could be done a lot better if you…’, and everyone in the room has one of two feelings…feeling one is based more or less on the F-off philosophy…we’ve been doing it this way for years, so why don’t you get lost with all that forward thinking!

Feeling two is OMG, that is so brilliant! We’ve been doing it this way for years and here you come in and within a few seconds see the solution to all our problems, from saving time and money to improved workplace safety to making babies (well maybe not that). Chances are though that the feeling everyone had was feeling one because most people are threatened by change and also threatened by the feeling that if they state their opinion, the rest of the group might not agree and that would lead to ostracization, which is a fate worse than death. This is similar to the frequently quoted fear of public speaking being greater than the fear of death.

So the first thing you have to do is figure out what everyone else is doing…once you know that, you jump on the bandwagon with them…seriously copy what they are doing…that way you will have time to figure out what everyone is NOT doing. Once you have figured out what they are not doing, start doing it. The reasons are not important. You are guaranteed to get attention simply by doing the opposite of everyone else. Of course when you get that attention, be prepared and represent yourself well. No one can help you if you suck.

Watch the video and make comments please!

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