
Blog Post #129: Is it realistic to book jobs consistently and get paid a decent salary to live on?

Do you find yourself asking the question: “How much money can I make as a professional actor?”

Here’s a recent email exchange that reveals my thoughts on this question: 


Hello David,

I’m a 42 yr old female with no acting experience (other than High School plays), researching to find out whether acting is a viable career for me. Mainly, is it realistic to book jobs consistently and get paid a decent salary to live on (say ~75,000/yr)? I understand that I would need extensive training first. 

I have read your website and others who say that it is possible to be a professional actor. What does this mean?

This conflicts with information that I have looked up on previously famous actors, who now cannot make ends meet, nor book jobs. E.g. all of the actors from Friends, minus Jennifer Aniston. It seems if they can’t do it, why would a newbie be able to do it?

I have toyed with the idea of acting part-time and then doing something else so that as approached my 50’s I would not be left without any skills or money, but I am hearing that acting needs to be a full-time pursuit.

I would love to hear any advise or thoughts you can share, especially clarifying what it means when people say ‘professional actor’ ?

Thanks so much,


Hi Ali…

It would be impossible for me to say whether you can make it as an actor just as it would be impossible for me to say if you can make it as anything else. There are simply too many variables that are beyond both of our control. I can tell you that it certainly is not easy and that there are many things in your way but you could pretty much say that about any challenging and competitive career. If you asked me if you could be a doctor i could not answer that either.

Really you should do what you want to do and not worry about the results. Of course you need to put clothes on your back and a roof over your head but beyond that dedicate yourself to what you want to do with your life. If that is acting then pursue acting. If it is something else then pursue that.

I can tell you that you will not become an actor if you don’t commit yourself to it. It’s not about whether do you do it full time or part time but you have to be mentally committed to it or when things do you get difficult you will probably give up very easily.

I don’t know if that was helpful or not but anyone who tries tell you if you are going to succeed or not is kidding themselves as well as you.

All the best,



Thank you, David! Yes, that was very helpful. One thing I’m still unclear about, and I know you mention to not worry about the results and just do what I truly love. But I would like to know if many actors are at least able to financially provide for themselves or do they usually have to supplement the income?

Thanks so much,


Acting is kind of an all or nothing proposition. If you don’t give it your all, you won’t make much. Most actors don’t commit to it enough or in the right way and therefore don’t stay in the game long enough to make a living. You can’t ask other people these questions, Ali since no one other than you knows your life or talent or situation. You have to stick your neck out and take chances and show initiative and you can do anything you want.

This is not a career for the faint of heart so either go for it or don’t but don’t try to figure out what is going to happen before you do it because you are only getting in your own way. What if I told you you could make 100k/year acting? I certainly can’t tell you when that will happen. That is up to you and a whole lot of things neither of us can predict. Successful people just do what they are compelled to do. It has to drive you from the inside. If you try to analyze the situation before you undertake it, you will basically create your own destiny by assuming you know what will happen before it happens.


Thanks so much for the thoughtful answer. I see what you’re saying…..makes things more clear in helping me make a decision.

All the best to you,

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