
How to write a cover letter for general submission to CD’s

Hacktor Question:
I’m trying to find out how to write a cover letter for general submission to CD’s?

David’s Answer:
Sorry to tell you but you are more or less wasting your time with this angle. I understand why you are trying to reach out to CD’s but they don’t have time to read letters and even if they do read your letter, how are they supposed to consider you for a project down the road from a general request? They are only going to consider you for a role if you submit for it. The only thing you COULD do is to ask for a general meeting and just let them get a feel for you as a person, what your voice is like, how you come across in person, etc.

Acting is a tough gig, but there’s just no way to beg yourself into something that you don’t deserve, and you will get it if you deserve it. You deserve it if you pay your dues and follow the common sense approach to any career, without any shortcuts, so my question is why you think you deserve to be considered to be seen by a professional CD for a professional role. If you are a pro, fine, but if you’re just starting out and throwing darts, it’s a waste of time and you don’t deserve to be seen. Build up your repertoire, reel, get involved in the industry and wait your turn. It will come if you handle yourself properly.

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