Actors like to feel like they are doing all the things that are going to help them with their careers and yet they often shy away from the very things that will give them the most impact…actual face to face meetings…
Here’s an actor who is starting to understand his real value to the industry and ultimately the world…
Weekly updated report-
I really starting implementing the concept that we as actors are doing industry professionals a big favor by presenting ourselves and offering our services. With that in mind I am beginning to feel calm and confident in audition rooms. Thanks the a referral of a friend I had the opportunity to audition for a pilot. As for now I’m just swinging the acting bat and I know ill eventually hit that home run. Meditation helps a lot too, and being fully present is something I’m still trying to master.
That’s great! You must understand that everyone is actually on your side, especially when they invite you in for an audition. They want you to be relaxed and they want you to succeed because then they can hire you and their problem is solved. Since they want actors they call in to succeed, it also makes sense that they have to meet actors to know to call them in and so if they don’t know who you are, they want to meet you, if you have the type of skill set they are looking for. So the only question is what is the best way to meet someone. Postcards, headshots, websites, social media or do you just go introduce yourself? What is the only way for them to get a three dimensional, auditory and visual impression of you; face to face. Never be scared to go say hello to people. If you say nothing other than that, they will almost invariably ask you how they can help you and at that point you can say, “Actually I’m here to help you”. How great does it feel to help people doing something you love? That’s all we are talking about here. What a joy!
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11 years ago
thank you