
How Hard is Acting?

That’s a great question? Unfortunately, the answer is very hard. I’m not saying this to scare you, but to prepare you. Those of you who are taking the launch of your acting career less than seriously or thinking that it is going to come easily may be setting yourselves up for failure. I met and worked with a lot of young actors in LA and out of all of them, I’m the only one I know who is working regularly, if not at all.

Now there is something wrong with the fact that the 40 year old guy from acting class is working and the rest of the people are doing nothing except getting married and having babies (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

So trust me when I say that acting is a competitive business and that you should prepare for it the same way you would for any other career like being a doctor or lawyer.

Leave A Reply (7 comments so far)

  1. Günalp
    12 years ago

    Honest and great advice!

  2. Debra Poirier
    13 years ago

    I agree with you 100 %

  3. Jim McKeny
    13 years ago


    I think you were even a little bit too soft about the harsh realities the biz. I’ve been following your Hack Hollywood because my dear friend – with whom I worked on the little indie film “The Screenwriters” – Jenn Gotzon recommended you. Good stuff here! Thanks, jim

    • admin
      12 years ago

      I will try to be tougher…if that is possible…lol

  4. Chris C
    13 years ago

    Doing anything really really well takes “talent,” but talent is NOT something that’s fixed. I think a great mistake is to look at your current level of ability and think — “that’s it, I’m not good enough — I’m going to quit.” You shojuld only quit when you really don’t want something, not because it’s really hard. There is another choice and Geoff Colvin spells it out in “Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from EverybodyElse.” He’s not putting down talent. He’s elevating getting better, and he spells out how excellent performers “got better.” It take tremendous passion and hard work, but there’s no question that you can get better at anything, including acting. Dr. Carol Dweck says that belief in yourself to get better comes from having a growth mindset (http://news.stanford.edu/news/2007/february7/dweck-020707.html). You can catch Colvin on Charlie Rose: http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/9856.

    • admin
      12 years ago

      True words Christopher. As I recall, I pretty much sucked at everything I started…didn’t we all? Then with practice, I got better…and the more I practiced, the better i got. To quote Goldmember, “ishn’t dat veert?”

  5. justin robinson
    13 years ago

    so true, since I first became an actor at an earlier age I set my mind to this degree..if this is what I'm going to take on, work on it and dedicate myself like it would be any other career. a Doctor or Lawyer doesn't show up late, make only a modest effort/attempt, or not show up at all..otherwise they'll be dismissed and someone else will take the position. same applies for the actor. soooome food for thought