Hacktor Question:
Hey David, since I had a breakthrough during a session with an old teacher (see post in Accountability forum), I feel like I have a better understanding of why I get in my head at times, so when I practice now, I know I’ll get better and better. So my question is: When you got to that point where you knew that you can deliver an amazing acting performance, how did you know that you were ready? After enough practice do you just know that you can make a bold promise to the casting director in that office where you intern and say: “hey I’m a really good actor and I would like the opportunity to prove it”. I’ll be honest and say that the only reason I haven’t interned yet is because of fear that in a few months of relationship building that I won’t be ready to deliver a shocking acting performance. I know you made a point of saying that if you audition and you’re not ready, it can really sabotage your acting career because the word will get out that you suck. Basically I’m nervous that I might THINK I’m ready but completely fail in that audition room, then all of those months of interning for nothing. I also feel that even if I am at a high skill level, the pressure of blowing my big chance might screw up my acting as well, I’m sure you must have been a little nervous that you now have to live up to your word an impress the CD.
Well Patrick, you first of all need to stop thinking so much and if you are going to think, think a little more creatively. Are you saying if you blow your first audition with a CD, you can’t think of any other benefits to having been working there all that time? If you are nervous, you ARE going to blow it. You are nervous because you are thinking about blowing it. So stop thinking about blowing it and start acting like a real actor. A real actor isn’t thinking about results. They are thinking about how they are going to lose themselves in a role and see what happens when they dedicate their focus and soul into something. Who cares if you blow it. If you care about blowing it; if this is about success or failure, you are already doomed. Your creativity is all that matters. Get out of the mindset of results and into the mindset of experimenting by turning yourself over to the moment. Work on getting into the right side of your brain and leave the left side behind when performing. You say you are aware you are in your head, but all your questions are from your head. What if this, what if that…I don’t know the answer to what will happen…ever. I only know what it means to be an artist vs. someone who is looking for approval from themselves and others and if that’s what you are looking for, you will never really get it. You have to do this because you want to; no other reason. If you want to do it, you’ll practice and get better at it and you won’t be worried about what someone else thinks of you. You’ll simply do what you came to do and whatever happens, happens. You’ll never know why you booked or didn’t book. You just know if you gave it your all. Focus on that.
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