
Help is on it’s way!

For all of you out there who are trying to figure out how to negotiate the hollywood landscape, fear not. This site will soon be your one source and companion to getting it done in Hollyweird. Let’s face it, the place is a freak show and anyone who thinks it’s not has been there too long…get out of there and see how normal people live!…
 I’m serious about that because once you start believing Hollywood is normal it will make you almost useless outside of hollywood…and that means actors as well as writers/producers/directors, etc. While Hollywood may be the source and center of the universe for entertainment content, it does not represent the vast majority of the market for entertainment. The market is ‘out there’, meaning in 175 other countries with movie screens and tv sets, so if you can’t remember what it’s like to live in those other places, working your 9-5 job and losing sleep at night because your kids can’t sleep, and fighting with your wife, and drinking with your buddies, and having no interest in if your headshot looks like you, then you aren’t worth a hill of beans. Hollywood is a matrix-like place. Everyone pretends they love it there, and try so hard to keep up with the ferraris, plastic surgery, etc., but that stuff doesn’t lead to success…it leads away from it.

So I’m working hard right now to create a site that will enable anyone, no matter at what stage you are in your career, to negotiate the traps and pitfalls and find the quickest path from the bus stop to the film set. I’m going to accept a very small number of dedicated people and personally guide them through their journey. It’s not about money folks, it’s about desire and dedication and doing it smart. So keep coming back, read the blog and look for the announcement when I launch my new deal.

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