
The Greatest Role is Being Yourself

Actors spend a lot of time worrying about if they are the next Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie when in fact the actor that hollywood is now looking for is you. There’s always room for a new original. Think about it. How many boring undefined actors are out there. You need to learn to be yourself and have access to all your potential, even if you haven’t lived it yet. These are skills you can and should practice.

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  1. Anne
    3 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I have just signed up to be a member of Hack Hollywood !
    I am looking forward to joining your community..

    • admin
      2 years ago

      Hi Anne, you are going to do amazing. Remember focus on yourself and what you have to offer and connect/collaborate with people who can put your skills to good use.

  2. Emma
    3 years ago

    This weeks goals and accomplishment.
    Accomplishment: I got an agent!

    Goals that I will reach in the next few days;
    1. I have a connection through someone for a casting director who is very kind to me I am gonna try to foster that relationship and hopefully get my name out there
    2. I am setting up my self tape area at home today for Auditons.

    • admin
      3 years ago

      Wow, amazing work and dedication to your craft. Where are you based and do you go by Emma or Kelsey?

  3. Devorah Firestone
    4 years ago

    Hi Everyone! I’m Devorah, new member here. Thanks!

    • admin
      3 years ago

      Welcome and congratulations on all your efforts so far, Devorah!

  4. Tarik Jallal
    4 years ago

    Hey everyone, i’m Tarik Jallal.

    AN di’m happy to be on this acting life project with all of you guys. To achieve what i truly want like everyone of you!

    I can’t wait to hear from all of you!


  5. Tarik Jallal
    4 years ago

    Hey everyone, i’m Tarik Jallal.
    AN di’m happy to be on this acting life project with all of you guys. To achieve what i truly want like everyone of you!
    I can’t wait to hear from all of you!

  6. Andrea Hessig
    4 years ago

    Iā€™m a member.

    • admin
      4 years ago

      Welcome Andrea! You are going to excel šŸ™‚

  7. Michael Jovanovski
    4 years ago

    Hi David and team. Iā€™m a member.

    • admin
      4 years ago

      Welcome Michael, the magic is about to happen!

  8. Jason Manella
    4 years ago

    Hey! I’m a member šŸ™‚

    • admin
      4 years ago

      Welcome Jason. you are off to a flying start!

  9. Christopher Cunningham
    4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Christopher Cunningham and I am a Hack Hollywood member. I