
Free Coaching/Consultation for Five Minutes of Your Time

Wow, what a day yesterday. Had a commercial callback and then spent the next six hours running the casting session for a new pilot being directed by Clark Johnson, one of my acting heroes…if you haven’t seen the wire, stop what you are doing, quit your job and spend the next week watching it…f-ing amazing show…many have called it the best show in the history of television
…and I ain’t arguing…anyways…

I’m about to launch a brand new service for actors that will help them identify and eliminate all the things that are keeping them from booking more acting jobs.

Of course I want to create something that will benefit you in the greatest way possible, so if you take a few minutes and fill out this survey, I would be happy to offer you a free coaching/career consultation and help you get started to the next level, whatever that may be. If you don’t know I’ve coached and consulted to many actors over the years and I have never received anything but the highest compliments for my work, so I’m really offering something of value here…all for literally ONE MINUTE OF YOUR TIME.

Here’s the deal…just answer as many questions as you feel like…and when you’re done, I’ll send you an IOU for a free coaching session/career consultation. When you’re ready to collect, send me an email and we’ll set something up…that simple.

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