

Not much to say today other than I actually took the initiative on a couple of things that have been dogging my mind for a while. I started the short sale process on a house i bought in Alabama…yes you read it right, Alabama!…
and I welcomed some workers into my condo to do some repairs that have been overdue for two years. Something must be going on for these things to be happening at the same time. I’m also pushing back on people who use me for every emergency they have without first trying to address it themselves. I like to help, but my own personal sanity has to come first…since I don’t have much to spare…

Why the title? Well I just poured myself an espresso and it seemed like a cool name for a post. Off to see “The Prophet”, a french film that has received rave reviews. I was recently burned by “A Serious Man” which also had rave reviews and was absolute garbage, so fingers crossed that this is better. xoxo.

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