
Booked Foxfire directed by Lauren Cantet – What’s the Difference Between Booking and Not Booking?

Well it’s always good news, but almost like winning the lottery so I don’t make too much out of booking or not booking an acting job…but I did just book one. Actually it’s a very significant film called Foxfire, based on a book by Joyce Carol Oates. Apparently it’s a popular book and she’s a prolific writer. It was made before in 1996 with Angelina Jolie but not well received. This time ’round, it’s already been predicted to appear at the Cannes Film Festival…so I’m looking at flights, haha.

So what did I do to book the job? Who the heck knows? I did what I always do…my best. I didn’t even book either of the jobs I was up for, so it’s really a mystery in this case. That has happened twice to me already this year. I will say this, for the first audition I really worked on listening to the reader. In the past, I was very nervous about forgetting my lines and that is still my tendency, but I practice being very relaxed when I rehearse and listening with my body and trying to not focus my gaze anywhere specifically, just letting my eyes go where they may and ‘feeling’ it. So I was pleased with the read, but you never know, right?
I actually did this audition back in February, so it took them four months or so to make up their minds…so under these conditions, you see why it makes sense to forget your auditions once they are over. I would have had a nervous breakdown by now if I had been ‘waiting’ to hear if i booked it or not.
What I’m trying to get at here is that you can do your best auditions and not book and do a not so great one and book, so your main goals should be to just do good auditions. What you look like and sound like is more or less out of your control and in particular so is what other people look and sound like, so it just may boil down to looks, and what are good looks for one project is downright ugly in another, so don’t worry about booking. Worry about performing!
Good luck and be a hacktor.

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