
Blog Post #113: Ask Yourself – Are You Living Your Dreams Or Someone Else’s?

Hey everyone,

No intro needed for this one. Time to consider who is in charge of your life…

Hacktor Question:

I’ve recently been going back through the modules and it’s funny how listening the second or third time around resonates differently depending on where we are in our careers and on our path. I made the decision to finally stop listening to other people about what I should do with my life and where I should be going and started to listen to myself. I finally realized how miserable I was doing things others wanted me to do, not what I wanted to do. No more. This goes across the board for my life. I’m taking control. A question I have to ask myself is, “Are you living your dreams or someone else’s?” Set your goals and make them happen. At least then the path you’re on is one of your making.


David’s Answer:

Wow, powerful stuff. Sometimes it takes a while to really look at yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself. When the time is right and you do it, you will not only be better for yourself but better for others too because any lingering anxiety or resentment that can come from living for others will be gone and you can open your heart far more to others. Whatever conclusion you come to, readjust your plans to accommodate your new consciousness.

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  1. Sebastian
    10 years ago

    This is great stuff…thanks for posteding