
Acting With Confidence

What stops you from doing your best work? You want to book jobs, but you find yourself holding back your true self because you are trying to fit in to what you think ‘they’ expect or want, rather than showing them your true interpretation of the material…

Actors want to book jobs, but to do that they think that they need to be careful around producers/directors/casting directors because these people hold the keys to the city (so to speak). They want to become part of the gang so they are nice to them and polite and not really themselves. If they only put themselves in the shoes of the producer, they would realize that to become ‘part of the gang’ i.e. get a job, they should do the opposite…let their true selves come through in auditions and show writers/producers entirely un-thought of ways their material can be interpreted. Ask yourself the simple question…”if i am a writer and some actor comes in, do I want them to play it safe and give me the same read everyone else does, or do I want to see something new and fresh that I would have never thought of myself, played in a totally committed manner?”


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