
Is the only thing holding your acting career back… YOU?

Recently a mother of a young actor told me she wanted to join Hack Hollywood but there would be no point because she did not live in a major acting city. This is a common thought among people who live outside of Los Angeles and New York. Check out what I had to say. I think if you live in a smaller town, you’ll be very happy you did….

Hacktor Question:

Hi David, I enjoyed the webinar. My 11 year old daughter and I listened to most of it.

I can’t sign her up (for Hack Hollywood) because we live in the middle of the freaking country (wish we could move to LA so she could audition!), and because of finances.

I think if we lived in CA and she could go on auditions, it would be beneficial, but I don’t know when we will be able to do that.

My daughter, this is her passion in life…to be on a tv/film set…and I think she’s got a gift for singing, dancing, acting…I think if we were in LA and she went on auditions, her talents and her personality would land her a job quickly!

I really believe it, she’s not like other 11 year old girls…she chose to be homeschooled so she could study acting and music more out of her days. She is truly a one of a kind. I wish we could move but we can’t! So unless you would like to see her craft and become her agent, I think we will have to wait until she can actually move out West and go on auditions.

I appreciate the webinar! I think she could win over directors and such with her talents and personality if she were able to meet some. She is currently recording a CD and creating her own music in the studio and we will get out there one day! Thank you and much appreciated!

David’s Answer:

Thank you so much for your note. I am so glad you enjoyed the presentation.

I have 2 simple questions for you: Why on earth would you think that where you live limits what you can do either in acting or in anything else in life? And, do you want to pass this sense of disempowerment along to your daughter?

It’s this type of thinking that limits what most people achieve in their lives. They have already decided that they can’t do things based on whatever circumstances they think they are in and so they don’t even bother trying. Inevitably they are completely incorrect not only in what they can or cannot do but what their own circumstances are. Your circumstances are only based on your own perspective of them. Someone else could look at your circumstances and think you have every opportunity in the world to do whatever you want and that is the simple truth. That is also what I see.

Simply by saying you can’t or she can’t you are actually creating that reality. If you simply use your imagination and think creatively you can do all kinds of things regardless of where you live.

Since you are primarily the one who is responsible for your daughter’s career at this point, it is up to you to be the one that’s creative and to think of various ways that you can help your daughter show her talent.

New talent is not easy to find and since most children don’t have much experience they can often get looked at in situations where an adult would not be able to. That means no matter where you live, especially if you live in the United States already, they will take a look at you and it’s possible you could get representation by an agent near where you live or possibly in New York or Los Angeles.

Again, simply by thinking out of the box a little and being creative you can make all sorts of things happen for yourself… and by that same token the materials in Hack Hollywood can be equally as useful and effective to you as though you lived in California or New York.

Hope that makes sense and hope it helps.

All the best,


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