
How do you know if you’re really passionate about acting?

Questions, questions, questions. A member below questioned their love of the craft…interesting. Let me know what you think of my answer.

Hacktor Question:

How do you know if you love performing? Pretty much every director I’ve ever had emphasized the importance of loving what you do, but they never really explained how you know if you really are passionate about it.

David’s Answer:

Rather than wondering if you love what you do, decide to love what you do. Everything in life is a choice. We may detest all kinds of things on the surface. Most of them, we have never even tried.

Humans are the biggest scaredy cats on the planet, literally. Ever see an animal give up on their lives the way a person does? They fight until their last breath. People hear something on the news and they become terrified. It’s a terrible way to live. Fear without anything having actually happened. That is the penalty of communication. You get to hear all the bad sh*t that happened to everyone else today. If they at least balanced it with the good stuff, there would never be any time for the bad stuff but fear feeds the media and people sell stuff based on fear but until you recognize it, you get caught up in it and go along for the terrifying ride. STOP WORRYING!

Who cares if you love acting or not or why you love it or not. Live your life. That’s all you have. If you decide to do something, give it 100%. You will enjoy it far more by default if you commit your energy to it, rather than committing so much energy to questioning everything. You will live a lonely life in your bedroom if you try to understand everything before you commit to it.

Guess what, there is no cognizant understanding of anything worthwhile. It requires a faith that your common sense was right all along. It is always right. We have 100% perfect instincts. It’s only when we stop following our instincts and follow our fears, which are completely manufactured that we screw everything up. Why do you think parachutists keep doing what they do? They love it. It seems risky and it is but the rewards of living the kind of life they want far exceed the small risk of death. Life is not life unless you live it.

If you don’t live your life, you might as well be dead. You are dead. The world outside is waiting for you to get involved in it. Failure is not a risk. It’s just an experience. If you look at the big picture or the long term, you have only failed when you stop trying. The rest is simply the journey. No journey is a perfectly straight line. From high above, it looks straight, but the further we zoom in, the more zigzags we will see. Neither matters. What matters is the moment you are in because that is the only one you have.

The thought and the fear is only in your mind. If you live life, you will rarely have time to be scared. Things happen or they don’t. If you have a car accident, you rarely have time to be scared. It just happens and then you are hurt or you aren’t, but regardless you then do what you need to do based on the situation. Don’t create imaginary situations that are going to stop you from doing what you want. Just decide what you want to do and do it.

There are no guarantees, just experiences that await you. You get to decide to either love or hate those experiences. Watch Jiro Dream of Sushi. He is a master chef and his only real advice is to spend every day trying to be better at what you do and to learn to love what you do. Simple and so perfect. That’s what animals do. Try to live like an animal because they are nice and simple because they don’t have all this bullsh*t thought going through their minds and they live pretty perfect lives. They do what has to be done. No more and no less and they accept it without complaint because who would listen to their complaining even if they could?

Don’t complain. You have a problem? Do something about it. Go kill a gazelle, eat it, and sleep for four days like a lion.

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Leave A Reply (3 comments so far)

    9 years ago

    it’s all encouraging ….Thank you !

  2. Laura Seabrook
    9 years ago

    Love this so much, David! Very good advice: “Rather than wondering if you love what you do, decide to love what you do… Live your life… If you decide to do something, give it 100%” YES!!

    I almost quit acting a couple of years ago because “I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore” – but a coach of mine pushed me to continue – and to make a long story short, I found myself on set in Croatia, Europe, only about 6 months later! Laying out in a palace courtyard and watching a meteor shower with the rest of the cast, I couldn’t help but think… “Wow. I almost gave THIS up.”

    If you find yourself at the peak and you really aren’t enjoying it, maybe you do need to go climb a different mountain. But don’t give up while you’re still on the side of a cliff or you’ll never know how passionate you truly are about what you do! =)

  3. Robert Burton
    9 years ago

    Thanks – interested to see what you wrote & what these mistakes are 🙂