
Feeling stuck in your acting career? Here’s what to do next.

Here’s a very simple response to a very simple and yet fundamental question. It often seems that many of the questions I am asked lead me back to this subject. That must mean it’s important so it bears repetition and repetition is the key to creating habitual behavior.

Hacktor Question:

I’m feeling a bit “stuck” in where to go next. I’ve been taking stock of the relationships/acquaintances I have in town and how I can be of service to them and strengthen those relationships. What should I do?

David’s Answer:

If you don’t know what to do, you probably don’t have a plan. It’s like a vacation. First you have to decide what, when, where, with whom and how and then you can plan the details like booking the flight, telling your boss, asking your friends, planning your time when you are there, etc.. Do that with your career goals…and then plan the details.

If you don’t know what to do, do nothing. While activity is good, continuous random activity leads nowhere.

Go sit somewhere and ask yourself what would you be doing if you could do anything…envision it and let it put a smile on yourself because you can see, hear, taste, smell the whole experience as though it’s happening.

Once you are clear on what you want, then it’s easy to figure out what you need to do to make it happen.

You have to write it down and break it down so you have a monthly goal that will lead to an annual goal that will lead you to OZ…

That’s it. Go find a peaceful place and take a few minutes and quiet your brain and see what appears.

Click here to signup for one of my free acting career webinars and learn the 5 steps I used to book 13 network TV roles in under 1 year.


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